Jan 29, 2019
Knowledge is power... it's true
This week on How to Change the World we talk with Jeanne Nizigiyimana, the Co-Founder and Program Manager of Refugee Women’s Health Clinic center at Maricopa Integrated Health System. Jeanne opens up to us about her own experience as a refugee and her journey to safety. She shares what...
Jan 22, 2019
There are those that run toward the sound of
This week on the podcast we talk with Marcus Ferrell, a man with a
storied political career and a burning passion for criminal justice
reform and equality. Marcus has worked as a consultant for the
Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential race, David...
Jan 15, 2019
This week on the Mind Your Business Book Club Podcast...
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries takes the lean manufacturing
framework and applies it to anyone launching a new product or
service in a world of uncertainty. Yeah, so that's all of us then.
It's one of the first books we've all liked – you won't want to
Jan 8, 2019
It's that time of year when the gym is packed, todo lists are long and aspirations are realized – er, attempted. This week on the podcast, Catherine talks with some of the Javelina Herd about their personal goals for the year. We have perspectives from the all-time goal...
Jan 1, 2019
We wouldn't be ringing in the New Year right without bringing you a special episode. That's why today we're highlighting clips from four episodes as Catherine Alonzo reflects on the lessons she's learned through these interviews in 2018.
It's almost been a year since we launched the How to Change the World podcast, and...